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Java Arcade Game

Background Info

I had an internship at a steel company, and  I was the first intern my department had ever had, so they didn’t have any projects for me. So they just told me to help the maintenance team. After time I learned that the department was using sensors to measure a presure cylinders position,  and because the environment was so dirty, the sensors they were using would get dirty and report invalid measuremnts.

I took it on myself to try to develop a solution for this problem. I had to research different methods to replace this non-functional system that was typically just manually overriden . This thing was important because it was measruing the thing that capptued hot steel that was rolling through the mill at 40 mph. I researhced methods, sruveyed the area around whre the sensor would be positoins and created drafted designs. In the end I developed a proposal for how to improve and implement the new system .

Project Overview
Skills Gained

I learned how to run a self led project in an industrial environment. I learned the necessity of branching out of my shell, networking with engineers, management, and contractors throughout the entire plant. I also learned the basics of engineering design for the world of manufacturing. 

Lessons Learned

I learned how to work on a project that integrated into a larger manufacturing plant. This meant while designing my sensor solution, I had to consider factors like the plants conduit layouts, contractors that would be able to install/maintain the system, and department cost reductions due to the my updated design. The project gave me experience working with an improving the maintenance and operation of a manufacturing plant.


The skills learned here will help me in the future as I work to manufacturing engineered devices and technologies. 

Steel Mill Sensor update

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